Shogi Blog

Side Pawn Picker

Shogi game explained

(Text moves) 1.P7f 2.P3d 3.P2f 4.P8d 5.P2e 6.P8e 7.G7h 8.G3b

(Text moves) 9.P2d 10.Px2d 11.Rx2d 12.P8f 13.Px8f 14.Rx8f 15.Rx3d

Side Pawn Picker opening

(Text moves) 16.B3c 17.R3f 18.R8d 19.R2f 20.S2b 21.P*8g 22.K4a

22.K4a: it’s perfectly playable but it hasn’t been played these days among professional Shogi players.

(Text moves) 23.K5h 24.S6b 25.G3h 26.P5d 27.S4h 28.P5e

23.K5h 25.G3h 27S4h: Black develops Central House.

26.P5d 28.P5e: White makes use of the position of 4a-King. pushing 5 file’s pawn isn’t good for White if the White king is on 5b.

(Text moves) 29.S6h 30.B4d 31.R2h 32.G5a

30.B4d: White asks Black “you wanna use your Rook forward or sideways?”

32.G5a: White develops Nakahara Castle.

(Text moves) 33.B6f 34.R5d 35.P3f 36.N3c

33.B6f: other options for Black are 33.P3f, 33.P4f and 33.S7g.

36.N3c: Whites adds an attacker but has to be careful with 3c-Knight’s head

(Text moves) 37.P4f 38.P7d 39.S4g 40.P*2f

37.P4f 39.S4g: good defensive moves for Black.

40.P*2f: blocks 2h-Rook

(Text moves) 41.N3g 42.S7c 43.P4e 44.B6b

42.S7c: tries to strengthen control of the center. White wants to play S6d and N7c.

43.P4e: Black’s position is already developed well and Black wants to attack before White’s position is complete.

(Text moves) 45.P3e 46.Bx3e 47.P4d 48.S2c

45.P3e 47.P4f: great Pawn tactic. it’s not something you often see. if 48.Rx4d, 49.P*3f 50.B2d 51.P*2e. if 48.Bx4d, 49.P*3d. if 48.Px4d, 49.P*3f 50.B2d 51.P*2e.

48.S2c: guards 3d-square.

(Text moves) 49.P*2b 50.Bx4d 51.P2a+ 52.S6d

49.P*2b: a nice pawn tactic. if White plays 50.Gx2b, Black will play 51.Px4c+. Black doesn’t want to play 49.Px4c+ 50.Gx4c because it allows white to play P*4f at some point.

(Text moves) 53.+Px1a 54.N7c 55.R2i 56.P*3f

53.+Px1a: Black wins material with pawn tactic only. Black’s position is intact and there’s no compensation for White.

55.R2i: guards on the back rank. 55.+P2a and 55.K6i are possible.

56.P*3f: White starts attacking. 56.S3d is possible.

(Text moves) 57.Sx3f 58.P5f 59.Bx4d 60.Px4d

58.P5f: activate White’s Rook and Bishop at the same time. if 59.Px5f, 60.Rx5f.

(Text moves) 61.G4g 62.Px5g+ 63.Sx5g 64.N6e

61.G47: strengthen on the 5-file.

64.N6e: the Rook on 5d pins the silver on 5g and King on 5h. Black can’t play 71.S5f because of 72.B*3h

(Text moves) 65.P*5e 66.Sx5e 67.P*5f 68.Nx5g+ 69.Kx5g 70.Sx5f

65.P*5e 67.P*5f: Black tries to gain time but it’s fear to let the Silver on 6d comes closer to the Black King.

70.Sx5f: 70.S6d would be better.

(Text moves) 71.Gx5f 72.B*3h 73.L*5e 74.Rx5e 75.Gx5e 76.Bx2i+

72.B*3h: attacks the Rook on 2i and the Gold on 5f.

73.L*5e: counter-attack move. 73.B4g doesn’t work because 74.Bx2i+ 75.Bx2i 76.R*5i. if Black plays 73.P*5e, White would play 74.Bx2i+ and then 75,Px5d 76.R*5i

(Text moves) 77.N5*c 78.K4b 79.B*7c 80.L*6b

79.B*7c: threatens Bx5a+ Kx5a R*7a

(Text moves) 81.Bx6b+ 82.+B3i 83.K6h 84.S*5g 85.K7g 86.S6f 87.K8h resign

81.Bx6b+: White can’t play 82.Gx6b because 83.R*4a 84.K5b 85.S*6a 86.Gx6a 87.Rx6a+ 88.K4c 89.G*5d 90.K3d 91.G5d-x4d 92.K2d 93.P*2e

82.+B3i: White has no defensive move anymore.

86.S6f: if Black plays 87.Px6f, White would play 88.R*5c

Shogi Castles

shogi castles are defensive structures of pieces that protect the king. castles are paired with what opening you play. if you develop Boat Castle against Statick Rook, you may lose easily because Boat Castle is weak against a frontal attack.

Boat Castle

used against Ranging Rook.

pros: easy to develop. the golds and silvers are connected well.

cons: weak against a frontal attack. it’s not far from attack.

elmo castle

used against Ranging Rook

pros: easy to develop. the structure of 6h-Silver and 7i-Gold is strong.

cons: weak against a frontal attack. it’s hard to more develop.

Left Mino

often used against Ranging Rook

pros: strong against side attack. it can be more developed.

cons: when the Bishop is gone, the king’s diagonal open. the king and Bishop can be attacked at the same time.

Silver Crown

often used against Ranging Rook

pros: strong overall.

cons: takes time to develop. the bishop tends to be passive. the king and bishop can be attacked at the same time.


used against Ranging Rook

pros: strong and far from attack. the Knight can be an attacker.

cons: takes time to develop. the Knight can be attacked.

Half Mino

used in Ranging Rook vs. static rook games and Double Ranging Rook games.

pros: easy to develop. it can be more developed.

cons: not strong overall.

Mino Castle

used in Ranging Rook vs. static rook games and Double Ranging Rook games.

pros: easy to develop. strong against side attack. it can be more developed.

cons: not strong against a frontal attack. weak against the edge attack.

High Mino

used in Ranging Rook vs. static rook games and Double Ranging Rook games.

pros: strong overall. it can be more developed. 2i-Knight can be an attacker.

cons: it’s not strong against side attack compared to Mino castle. 4g-Gold tends to be a target.

Silver Crown

often used in Ranging Rook vs. static rook games.

pros: strong against a frontal attack. the Knight can be an attacker.

cons: it takes time to develop. it’s not strong against side attack compared to High Mino.

Kimura Mino

often used in Ranging Rook vs. static rook games.

pros: easy to develop. the Knight can be an attacker.

cons: not strong overall. 4g-Silver tends to be a target.


often used in Ranging Rook vs. static rook games.

pros: very strong and far from attack. it can be more developed.

cons: takes time to develop. weak against the edge attack. the King has no space.

Central House

used in Double Static Rook games.

pros: easy to develop. the King has space.

cons: not strong overall. weak on the back rank against Rooks.

Grab Castle

used in Double Static Rook games.

pros: easy to develop. it can be more developed.

cons: not strong overall. the King gets check easily with Rooks.

Gangi Castle

used in Double Static Rook games.

pros: easy to develop. the King has space.

cons: not strong overall.


often used in Double Static Rook games.

pros: hard to break down with a frontal attack. it can be more developed.

cons: weak against side attack.

Double Wing Rook

Shogi game explained

(Text moves) 1.P2f 2.P8d 3.P2e 4.P8e 5.G7h 6.G3b

Double Wing Rook.

(Text moves) 7.P2d 8.Px2d 9.Rx2d 10.P*2c

(Text moves) 11.R2h 12.P8f 13.Px8f 14.Rx8f 15.P*8g 16.R8d

(Text moves) 17.S3h 18.S7b 19.P4f 20.S8c

19.P4f: 19.S2g is perfectly playable.

20.S8c: aggressive move.

(Text moves) 21.P7f 22.S7d 23.P4e 24.S6e.

23.P4e: another option is 23.B6f and then, 24.R8b 25.N7g

24.S6e: if 24.S8e is played, 25.R2f 26.P*8f 27.Px8f 28.Sx8f 29.B6f

(Text moves) 25.R2f 26.S5d 27.P3f 28.P3d

26.S5d: it turns out that White let Black play P4e on purpose and targets the Pawn on 4e.

27.P3f: 27.P4d is possible.

28.P3d: 28.Sx4e is possible.

(Text moves) 29.N3g 30.N3c 32.K6b 33.S4g 34.Nx4e

32.K6b: White gets the White King away from 3 files and 4 files. this opening is no longer in book.

34.Nx4e: White has no choice. White can’t play Nx4e after Black plays S5f.

(Text moves) 35.Nx4e 36.Sx4e 37.R2e 38.P3e

37.R2e: if White plays 38.S5d, Black would play 39.N*4f

38.P3e: if Black plays 39.Px3e, White would play 40.Bx8h+ 41.Sx8h 42.B*1d 43.R2g 44.N*1e 45.R3g 46.R2d

(Text moves) 39.Bx2b+ 40.Sx2b 41.Rx3e 42.S3d

39.Bx2b+: 39.G3h is possible.

(Text moves) 43.B*6f 44.R6d 45.R8e 46.P*8d

46.P*8d: if Black plays 47.Rx8d, White will play 48.B*9e

(Text moves) 47.R5e 48.B*3g 49.P*4f 50.P5d

48.B*3g: threatens Rx6f

(Text moves) 51.R7e 52.P7d 53.Bx2b+ 54.Gx2b

52.P7d: both Rooks are short on suquares.

53.Bx2b+: 53.R9e doesn’t work because 54.P9d

(Text moves) 55.N*5f 56.Px7e 57.Nx6d 58.Px6d

58.Px6d: White is much ahead in material.

(Text moves) 59.R*8b 60.B*7b 61.S*8c 62.K7a

59.R*8b: other options are 59.R*3a and 59.R*4b

62.K7a: prevents Black from playing Sx7b+ Gx7b Rx8a+

(Text moves) 63.P3e 64.Sx3e 65.Rx7b+ 66.Gx7b

64.Sx3e: 64.S2e is better.

(Text moves) 67.B*5c 68.N*6b 69.Sx7b+ 70.Kx7b

67.B*5c: attacks the King on 7a and the Silver on 3e.

(Text moves) 71.G*5b 72.R*2h 73.P*3h 74.B2f+

71.G*5b: 71.Bx3e is better.

72.R*2h: if Black plays 73.G3h, White would play 74.N*6e and Black can’t play 75.Gx2h because 76.S*5i 77.K6i 77.Nx5g 78.K5h 79.B4h+

(Text moves) 75.Bx6b+ 76.K8b 77.N*7d 78.K8c

78.K8c: the White King is naked but Black is short in material.

(Text moves) 79.Px7e 80.R*2i 81.+B6a 82.S*7b

80.R*2i: 80.R2i+ is better.

82.S*7b: 82.P*7b is better.

(Text moves) 83.+B7a 84.S7c 85.S5h 86.K9b

86.K9b: protects the Knight on 8a.

(Text moves) 87.G6b 88.Sx4f 89.G7g 90.N*6e 91.+B7b 92.Rx3h+ resign

88.Sx46: opens up the 2g-promoted Bishop’s diagonal

92.Rx3h+: If Black plays 93.Gx3h, White will play 94.R5i+ or 94.+B5i.

1: ☗P-2f
2: ☖P-8d
3: ☗P-2e
4: ☖P-8e
5: ☗G-7h
6: ☖G-3b
7: ☗P-2d
8: ☖Px2d
9: ☗Rx2d
10: ☖P2c 11: ☗R-2h 12: ☖P-8f 13: ☗Px8f 14: ☖Rx8f 15: ☗P8g
16: ☖R-8d
17: ☗S-3h
18: ☖S-7b
19: ☗P-4f
20: ☖S-8c
21: ☗P-7f
22: ☖S-7d
23: ☗P-4e
24: ☖S-6e
25: ☗R-2f
26: ☖S-5d
27: ☗P-3f
28: ☖P-3d
29: ☗N-3g
30: ☖N-3c
31: ☗K-6h
32: ☖K-6b
33: ☗S-4g
34: ☖Nx4e
35: ☗Nx4e
36: ☖Sx4e
37: ☗R-2e
38: ☖P-3e
39: ☗Bx2b+
40: ☖Sx2b
41: ☗Rx3e
42: ☖S-3d
43: ☗B6f 44: ☖R-6d 45: ☗R-8e 46: ☖P8d
47: ☗R-5e
48: ☖B3g 49: ☗P4f
50: ☖P-5d
51: ☗R-7e
52: ☖P-7d
53: ☗Bx2b+
54: ☖Gx2b
55: ☗N5f 56: ☖Px7e 57: ☗Nx6d 58: ☖Px6d 59: ☗R8b
60: ☖B7b 61: ☗S8c
62: ☖K-7a
63: ☗P-3e
64: ☖Sx3e
65: ☗Rx7b+
66: ☖Gx7b
67: ☗B5c 68: ☖N6b
69: ☗Sx7b+
70: ☖Kx7b
71: ☗G5b 72: ☖R2h
73: ☗P3h 74: ☖B-2f+ 75: ☗Bx6b+ 76: ☖K-8b 77: ☗N7d
78: ☖K-8c
79: ☗Px7e
80: ☖R2i 81: ☗+B-6a 82: ☖S7b
83: ☗+B-7a
84: ☖S-7c
85: ☗S-5h
86: ☖K-9b
87: ☗G-6b
88: ☖Sx4f
89: ☗G-7g
90: ☖N*6e
91: ☗+B-7b
92: ☖Rx3h+
93: ☗Resign

Shogi Openings

There are two main types of openings. Static Rook( 居飛車 Ibisya) is that using the Rook statically. You move R-Pawn to 2f-2e to activate the Rook. Ranging Rook(振り飛車 Furibisya) is that using the Rook on the left side. besides, they are divided into many openings.

Static Rook

Double Wing Attack(相掛り Aigakari): there are not many book moves relatively. you might tend to meet unfamiliar positions.

Side Pawn Picker(横歩取り Yokofudori): one of the most intense openings. there are many traps for each other. you could lose easily if you don’t know book moves.

Yagura(矢倉 Yagura): both sides can develop pieces well. it’s said that Yagura is the classic of Shogi.

Bishop Exchange(角換り Kakugawari): both sides have Bishops in hand from the beginning. you need to be careful not to let your opponent put the Bishop in your area.

Ranging Rook

Opposing Rook(向飛車 Mukaibisya): you can play this opening if your opponent plays P8e early. the purpose of this opening is that trying to counter-attack by playing P8f Px8f Bx8f(or Rx8f)

3rd-file Rook(三間飛車 Sankenbisya): it might be hard to play because it’s unclear how to use the Rook. the Rook guards the Bishop’s head indirectly.

Ishida Style(石田流 Isidaryu): it’s aggressive more than 3rd-file Rook. usually, this opening is for Black.

Masuda’s Ishida Style(升田式石田流 Masudashikiishidaryu): it’s hard to play because both sides have the Bishop in hand and the Black Rook is in the middle of rank.

4th-file Rook(四間飛車 Shikenbisya): it’s a popular opening for beginners because it’s easy to develop pieces and you can activate your Rook and Bishop at the same time when you play P6e. the downside is that you tend to be passive.

Central Rook(中飛車 Nakabisya): it’s hard to play because the left Gold tends to go to the left side.

Gokigen Central Rook(ゴキゲン中飛車 Gokigennakabisya): it’s aggressive more than Central Rook. it is named after a professional Shogi player, Masakazu Kondou 6Dan, who won many matches with it in 2004 and was always cheerful (cheerful means “Gokigen” in Japanese)

Double Ranging Rook(相振り飛車 Aifuribisya): you need to come up with how to develop pieces because this opening tends to be out of book.